Some property and business owners gave their input, now it’s your turn.

Recently, REV invited stakeholders in downtown Birmingham to speak their minds on three important areas of improvement.

Here’s what they covered:

Clean and safe

Attendees indicated on a map where in the BID (Business Improvement District) they felt safe and unsafe. Groups also talked about issues such as panhandling and how it affects the downtown experience.

Street Clutter

Groups talked about a number of ways to tackle trash in downtown Birmingham, including turning clutter into art projects, finding new uses for abandoned newspaper boxes and organizing clean-up events.


Lastly, stakeholders talked about the kind of retail they want to see downtown including small shops, artists, larger anchor stores and more wellness spaces. More weekend activity and sense of place signage was also suggested.

Couldn’t make it to this event? Don’t worry, your input is still needed.

Take the survey!

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