What's new in Woodlawn?
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Small Business, Uncategorized, Woodlawn
Woodlawn is constantly growing and welcoming new businesses and the past few months have been no exception! There is a diverse mix of new openings in Woodlawn that caters to a variety of different audiences. Whether you’re looking to take some dance classes or you’re just in the mood to try out a new bar, here’s a list of all the new places for you to checkout in Woodlawn!
The Vitality Index: How does Birmingham compare to other Downtown Districts?
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving
The IDA defines the Vitality Index as a benchmarking tool to see how the vitality of various downtown areas across the country compare to one another. Let’s take a closer look at where Birmingham stands!
The Windows of Woodlawn Extravaganza is back!
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Small Business, Woodlawn
The 2021 Windows of Woodlawn Holiday Display Contest is here! Check out all the submissions and don’t forget to cast your votes by December 24th.
We are "sew" happy to welcome Nmosa Fabrics to Woodlawn!
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Small Business, Woodlawn
Get to know the brains behind Woodlawn business Nmosa Fabrics! Theuda Tusajiwe talks opening her business in Woodlawn and the lessons she has learned along the way.
A woodlawn marketplace holiday gift guide
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Get Involved, Small Business, Woodlawn
The holidays are quickly approaching and that means it’s time to start thinking about holiday shopping! It’s always tough to come up with unique and meaningful gifts that won’t break the bank. Worry not! Our friends over at TESSA Commercial Real Estate did all their holiday shopping at the Woodlawn Marketplace this year and are here to give you some fun ideas.
Dressing to Impress: Meet Imperial Formal Wear's Kristina Bunn
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Small Business, Uncategorized, Woodlawn
Kristina Bunn, owner of Imperial Formal Wear, is here to share her journey of opening a bridal boutique in the heart of Woodlawn. Keep reading to learn more about this budding bridal business!
What owning a brick and mortar has taught Bridge + Root's Aisha Taylor
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Small Business
Aisha Taylor, owner of Bridge + Root, shares eight of the most valuable lessons she has learned since opening her brick and mortar store this summer!
Welcoming Spiffy Staging & Design to the Switch
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Events, Front Page, Small Business, Uncategorized
So So Spiffy, a local staging and interior design company, is proud to announce its new retail endeavor, Shopping Shindig. This once-a-month sale will take place at their new warehouse downtown and provide curated collections of designer furniture, art, and home accessories up to 60% off.
Adjusting to life in Woodlawn: Meet Forge Chiropractic's Tyler Bunn
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Front Page, Small Business, Woodlawn
Get to know the brains behind Woodlawn business Forge Chiropractic! Tyler Bunn talks opening his business in Woodlawn and the lessons he has learned along the way.
Innovate Birmingham's Amy Jones talks supporting local talent as they accomplish tech dreams
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers
There’s a legitimate chance you’ve heard of Innovate Birmingham. You’ve probably heard about their coding classes and free tech boot camps, but what you might not know is that they are here to help beyond free Full Stack Web Development and Data Analytics training for local unemployed and underemployed residents.