Communities need space to gather, space to connect, space to collaborate. REV believes that, in order to create vibrant commercial districts, communities have to design alongside the business and property owners, their customers and visitors, and the nearby residents who will use the space. When they want what’s best for the community, we call them yaysayers.
There’s a big difference between doing something for a community, and doing something with a community. The REV team believes that community stakeholder must lead their own revitalization. REV is there to feed them: feed them strategic planning, feed them proven strategies, feed them resources and information. This approach looks different in every community where we work, because our neighborhoods are unique and their strategies for growth should be too.

Downtown Birmingham
Through a relationship with the City Center District Management Corporation, REV carries out revitalization services in Downtown Birmingham with the support of downtown property owners. REV conducts regular formal and informal engagement with property owners, their tenants, employees and customers to design and implement strategies and projects that improve downtown.

Years of community-led planning has produced a plan for the revitalization of Woodlawn’s business district through a lens of equitable entrepreneurship. Community volunteers are working alongside REV and partner groups like Woodlawn Foundation, Woodlawn Business Association and neighborhood associations to identify and grow Woodlawn entrepreneurs in the district.
Date night done right: Romantic outings you’ll fall for in Birmingham
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Family Friendly, Front Page, Residential, Yaysayers
Looking for the perfect way to spend quality time with your special someone? In this guide, we’ve rounded up a variety of Magic City date ideas tailored to different tastes, personalities and interests. So, grab your partner, or even a few friends, and explore some of Birmingham’s best spots for a truly memorable time.
10 powerful examples of historic preservation in action
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Filling Vacant Spaces, Front Page, Historic Preservation, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers
It’s easy to take for granted the historic gems we have here in Birmingham. Many beautiful, story-filled buildings dot the map of our city, their silhouettes adorning our skylines and their façades serving as the vibrant background to our everyday lives downtown. However, without attention, investment and a commitment by our community to prioritize these treasures, our historic buildings and the authentic character they give our city can disappear.
The "why" behind historic preservation + REV's key tools for making it happen
Filed Under: Developer, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Historic Preservation, Yaysayers
Happy Historic Preservation Month, Birmingham! Every year in May, this special celebration ushers in an exciting flurry of conversation around one of our favorite topics: Saving places. The Magic City is full of historic treasures (especially our charming City Center), and REV is a longtime advocate for preserving and utilizing these spaces. But if you’re just dipping your toes into the waters of this worthy cause, a crash course might first be in order.
REV works in places where it can develop three key ingredients for success. We call them the Three P’s: Place, People, Payers. We work in historic commercial districts (place) where our model is proven effective, we partner with local stakeholders (people) who want to lead their community’s growth, and we look for stable sources of funds (payers) to make real results possible.
While we can’t work in every district, we’re always up for a chat! Drop us a note and we’ll talk about big dreams and realistic plans for progress.
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We love those kinds of Yaysayers too!