
  • You spoke, we listened: What our community wants to see in Linn Park

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Yaysayers

    Over the past 6 months partners with the Mayor’s Office of Social Justice and Racial Equity, the Birmingham Museum of Art, The City of Birmingham Park and Recreation Board, The Friends of Linn Park, and The Philip Morris Fund for Design Arts to gather the community in a planning process the envisions what Linn Park could be for the future of our city. And now, we’re taking it one step further and getting YOUR input as well!

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  • Re-vision Linn Park: Your Park, Your Vision

    Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Yaysayers

    Word around town is that Linn Park is getting a facelift – no really! Linn Park is undergoing a community-oriented planning and design process to bring a renewed vision, fresh design concept, and an activation plan. And we want you to be part of this process – keep reading to find out how!

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  • Become an ambassador of Downtown for The World Games 2022!

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Uncategorized, Yaysayers

    We are almost one month out from The World Games 2022! This vibrant event will be transformative for Downtown, and we want you to be a part of it! If you consider yourself a lover of Downtown Birmingham and are the friend that always knows where to go or what to do Downtown, this might be the perfect fit for you. We invite you to become a Downtown Ambassador Volunteer and help Birmingham put its best foot forward!

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  • Looking back at the vibrancy REV created in 2021

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Woodlawn, Yaysayers

    2021 was a big year of accomplishments for the REV team! From refreshing Downtown Birmingham’s main street to hosting another year of successful Woodlawn Street Markets, we are extremely proud of the progress we were able to make over the last year. And of course, none of this would be possible without our board, investors, sponsors, and yaysayers like you. We hope this next year brings just as much positive change to the City of Birmingham and we appreciate everybody who continues to support our work along the way. Now, let’s take a look at the 2021 Annual Report and celebrate all the milestones we hit this past year!

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  • Taking a look back at the (20th) Street Party!

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers

    Okay – you probably know by now that we recently wrapped up construction on 20th Street (and if you didn’t, surprise – now you know!). We held a street party to wrap it all up and it was a huge success, if we do say so ourselves. There’s nothing better than seeing hundreds of people come together to celebrate the revitalization of their beloved city. How about we continue the celebrations and take a look back at the (20th) Street Party that took place last week? And be sure to stop by and check out all the fun new additions to Birmingham’s main street next time you head down there!

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  • The 20th Street Refresh is coming to an end - but there's still more to come!

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Uncategorized, Yaysayers

    This Friday, May 20th, we will be having a (20th) Street Party (which you can read more about here) to celebrate the end of our Birmingham Green Refresh! While this certainly calls for a celebration, the party doesn’t stop there. We will still be adding some finishing touches to the street after the (20th) Street Party. These additional touches will help make Birmingham’s main street more vibrant, interactive, and efficient! Additions will include smart trash cans, free libraries, street performers, and more!

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  • Downtown Birmingham is about to take professional sports to a whole new level!

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers

    As the home of UAB, Birmingham Southern, and Samford, Birmingham is no stranger to the world of college sports. But we’re getting ready to kick it up a notch this spring and summer! Downtown Birmingham is fixing to experience tons of activity led by professional sports. Keep reading to see what all The Magic City has to offer.

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  • A different sort of distancing: Clay's walk across the country

    Filed Under: Front Page, Uncategorized, Yaysayers

    If you’ve ever visited our office, chances are you’ve met Clay Ousley. Clay is our Project Coordinator (but really, he’s more like a jack of all trades) and has been with REV since August 2015. We have loved every minute of having him on our team and are sad to see him go but so excited to see him embark on his next, very exciting, adventure! He will be going on a walk across the country starting in Charleston, SC and ending at the Santa Monica Pier. Keep reading to learn more about his journey!

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  • History of Linn Park: acknowledging the past and envisioning the future

    Filed Under: Front Page, Yaysayers

    Linn Park is full of history and potential. Soon, the Re-vision Linn Park coalition will embark on a community-oriented planning project to position Linn Park as a vibrant destination that drives inclusive growth, greater public use, preservation and property reinvestment. You can expect to hear more about that soon, but first let’s reflect on the park’s history.                                                                                                                                                       

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  • 3 ways the CAP team is preparing to "spring" into a new season!

    Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers

    The sun is out, the flowers are blooming, and the CAP team is ready to spring into action! CAP keeps downtown safe all year round, but as the spring season approaches, they are adding a few more things to their list of duties!

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