Ansel Payne

Investor Relations Manager


As the Investor Relations Manager, I work with the VP of Impact and Investments to pursue grant funding, engage with our investors, and otherwise ensure that REV has the financial resources it needs to keep our city vibrant. The best part? I’m always meeting new people who love Birmingham as much as I do.

Get to know Ansel:

> What’s the strangest road trip you’ve ever taken?

Before joining the team at REV, I spent several years as a graduate student and researcher at the American Museum of Natural History. Part of my work involved collecting wasps from all over North America, and one summer I put over 16,000 miles on my car in just over two months. Twenty-one states, thousands of pinned insects, one very cluttered Ford Fiesta…. it was a really interesting way to see the country!

> What’s your favorite way to spend a Sunday morning in Birmingham?

Well, there are so many,  but if I had to choose just one itinerary, I’d probably start with a stroll around CityWalk, follow it up with a strong cortado (from Red Cat, June, Cala — so many great options), then head over to Railroad Park for some lowkey birdwatching. (The wax myrtles there are full of warblers.)