A Downtown Birmingham guide to family-friendly restaurants
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business, Uncategorized, Yaysayers
Between the lack of sun and outdoor activities, keeping kids entertained during the wintertime is hard work! So, we took it upon ourselves to put together a little guide of all the family-friendly places Downtown Birmingham has to offer! Family + Food = FUN!
5 ways the CAP team can help brighten your day!
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Uncategorized
Our CAP ambassadors are always here to brighten your day! Whether you need an umbrella escort or you spot some “out of place” graffiti, the CAP team is there to help. Let’s take a look at just a few of the ways they can help you downtown!
How does the 20th Street Refresh play into our Value of Downtown Report?
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Yaysayers
Over the past couple of months, we’ve been talking a lot about our Value of Downtown Report. We’ve also been talking a lot about the construction we’re doing on 20th Street. But how exactly do both of these projects go hand in hand?
20th Street Update: Where are we now?
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers
We hope you’ve noticed that big things are happening on 20th Street North. For the first time in nearly 50 years, Birmingham’s main street is getting a face-lift. As we’ve mentioned on this blog in the past, the “hardscape” work will be done in four phases. Now that the first phase is complete on the northbound lane of 20th Street from 3rd Avenue North to Linn Park let’s talk about what gets done in each phase.
The Importance of Downtown
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers
“As the literal and figurative heart of their cities, downtowns represent and welcome residents, employees, and visitors from all walks of life,” says David Downey, President and CEO of the International Downtown Association (IDA), as he discusses the importance of downtown and the role it plays in keeping the vibrancy alive in our city centers!
The Vanishing Authenticity of Birmingham
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Potential-Proving
Much of the “Birmingham character” that we appreciate and promote today is thanks to the many beautiful historic buildings and homes that still stand. Our concentration of historic structures is unique, and it’s an asset for our entire region’s economic development and growth, as that authenticity attracts people seeking sense of place and quality of life. But how do we ensure that the authenticity doesn’t begin to vanish as we continue to revive these historic structures?
The Vitality Index: How does Birmingham compare to other Downtown Districts?
Filed Under: Business-Proving, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving
The IDA defines the Vitality Index as a benchmarking tool to see how the vitality of various downtown areas across the country compare to one another. Let’s take a closer look at where Birmingham stands!
In town for the Birmingham Bowl? Here's a guide to everything you need to see while you're here!
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers
In town for the Birmingham Bowl (or just for fun)? Here’s a guide to everything – and we mean EVERYTHING – that you need to see while you’re here! We promise, you’ll have no time left to be bored!
Let's Talk Walk Scores!
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers
We recently released our Value of Downtown report and one of the areas we excelled in was our walk score. Need a crash course on what a walk score is? Well lucky for you our City Center District Manager, Rob Buddo, is here to tell you all about it!
10 Downtown Birmingham spots to get your caffeine fix
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business
There’s nothing like a nice hot cup of coffee to warm you up (and wake you up) in this chilly weather! Check out these 10 coffee spots in Downtown Birmingham next time you need to cure your caffeine craving.