The state of small business in downtown Birmingham: REV's observations, analysis and recommendations to rebound from COVID-19
Filed Under: Developer, Downtown Birmingham, Filling Vacant Spaces, Front Page, Get Involved, Small Business, Yaysayers
REV has pulled together a report that is intended to communicate qualitative and quantitative data along with business intelligence gathered from boots-on-the-ground conversations between REV team members and downtown stakeholders.
BIDs give districts an identity, freedom of choice to design themselves
Filed Under: Developer, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers
Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) are a great tool for implementing impactful revitalization in urban areas. They’re sort of like a homeowner’s association for a commercial district.
What is a BID? And, how one is already helping vibrancy in Birmingham
Filed Under: Developer, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Potential-Proving, Yaysayers
BIDs have been used increasingly in downtowns, main streets and other commercial districts throughout the country as an avenue for public improvement and maintenance.
In the time of COVID-19, four local businesses are committed to giving back to Birmingham
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business, Woodlawn
Across Birmingham, local businesses are finding creative ways to support the city they love in a time of uncertainty. Find out how a few of them are stepping up to help.
ParkMobile app adds to vibrancy downtown by making paying for street parking a breeze
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Transportation
Birmingham joins other larger cities such as Washington D.C. and Atlanta that use the ParkMobile app.
Businesses with small footprints are working hard to adapt and keep their spaces safe
Filed Under: Birmingham Food & Drink, Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business
COVID-19 has affected businesses across Birmingham, but those with small footprints are shifting strategically to adhere to Alabama’s Safer at Home order and keep their customers safe in a smaller setting. Find out what three different businesses have done to adapt their spaces and experiences.
'We're in this together': B'ham artists use mural in Upswing lot to encourage in challenging times
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page
REV recently caught up with Meghan McCollum of Blank Space, co-organizer of the mural, about the evolving meaning behind the piece and how public art can spark much-needed conversations.
Local artists and volunteers unite to make plywood at damaged businesses works of art, messages of hope
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Uncategorized
Plywood surrounding businesses and buildings is the opposite of what most people picture when they think of a thriving downtown, but, somehow, Birmingham managed to take an uncertain moment and make it magical.
Birmingham Business Relief Fund to help restore small businesses and storefronts
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Get Involved, Small Business
Online applications open Friday, June 5. Grants will be awarded weekly through July 31, 2020.