Sixteenth St. Baptist Church honoring its history with interactive museum opening on 56th anniversary of bombing
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page
Sept. 15, 56 years to the day that a bomb killed four little girls— Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley and Carole Robertson— a new interactive museum will open honoring the girls and the chain of events their murders set off in the Civil Rights Movement.
Q&A with Charm on 2nd: Adding one-of-a-kind finds to downtown Birmingham
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Yaysayers
After buying the business in 2018, Rachel Bayerle and her partner Nicole Putman have been able to turn their love of collecting and accessories into an important pillar of Birmingham’s downtown retail scene.
Husband and wife team hopes to fill creative and event space gap with Asthetik Bham
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Filling Vacant Spaces, Small Business, Yaysayers
Jamie and Dontez Heard decided to move their business out of their home to offer more to their clients and other Birmingham creatives.
More than just a desk: 7 cool places to cowork in Birmingham
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business, Woodlawn, Yaysayers
Coworking is still a relatively new concept in our city, but the community is thriving.
Q&A with Chocolatà: Adding artisanal chocolate to a more vibrant Birmingham
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Front Page, Small Business
After opening Chocolatà Artisanal Chocolatier in 2017, Kathy D’Agostino has enjoyed watching the once quiet streets of downtown Birmingham come back to life. REV sat down with her to learn more about how she landed here, where she thinks the city is heading, and why Chocolata believes in Birmingham.
Young Pioneers plan discussion focusing on The Importance of Place with the Alabama Futures Fund
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Events, Yaysayers, Young Pioneers
Join Young Pioneers of Birmingham, in support of REV Birmingham, on Thursday, June 6 for a discussion about the Importance of Place with the Alabama Futures Fund, hosted at downtown Birmingham’s brand new Harvest Market!
Survey: What would you like to see more of in Downtown Birmingham?
Filed Under: Downtown Birmingham, Events, Front Page, Get Involved, Yaysayers
Some property and business owners gave their input, now it’s your turn.